My Wooden Blocks – Eco Wooden Toys Wooden Toys Are Wooden Toys Better for the Environment? Discover Why

Are Wooden Toys Better for the Environment? Discover Why

Compared to many other types of toys, wooden toys can be better for the environment in certain ways.

We must admit that we live in a polluted world which we wouldn’t like to leave to our children and their future. While we are here, we have to do our best to leave the environment as clean as possible. Our children’s health depends on it.

There is no time to waste because our planet is becoming filthier each hour. Thus, we have to act immediately.

You may not know but air pollution affects 95% of the planet. It means that there is only 5% of clean air to breathe and be healthy, but it’s definitely not in our vicinity.

It is only a matter of question when the earth will become uninhabitable with this pace of pollution.

So, how can wooden toys help our environment? 

Wooden toys are made from a renewable resource. The use of wood as a material reduces the carbon footprint of the toy as it is biodegradable, and can decompose naturally. 
Wooden toys are usually painted or finished with non-toxic paints or finishes that do not release harmful chemicals into the environment or pollute the air.
They tend to last longer. This means that they don’t need to be replaced as often, reducing the amount of waste produced.
When wooden toys eventually do reach the end of their life, they can be recycled or repurposed rather than thrown away, further reducing waste.
Playing with wooden toys encourages children to connect with nature and appreciate the natural world, which can lead to a greater sense of responsibility towards the environment.

Advantages of Natural Materials

Renewable Resource

Firstly, wood is a renewable resource, unlike plastics which are made from non-renewable fossil fuels. Wooden toys can be made from sustainably sourced wood, which means that the wood is harvested in a way that allows the forest to regenerate and continue to provide wood for future generations. It also preserves the ecosystem and ensures the long-term health of the forest.

By using wood as a material for toys, we can help reduce our reliance on non-renewable resources and promote a more sustainable approach to manufacturing and consumption.

Let's save the World

As small manufacturers and responsible citizens of our city, country and planet, we plant trees whenever we have a possibility for it. We have to care, as citizens, parents, grandparents, cousins and neighbours.

Natural Material

Toys made of natural materials, in our case wood, are non-toxic. Most wooden toys are made with natural, non-toxic materials and finishes, which means they don’t contain harmful chemicals like phthalates, BPA, or lead. This makes them a safer option for children to play with and reduces the risk of exposure to toxic substances.

It is important to keep harmful substances, which are mostly used in the production of toys made of artificial materials, out of reach of our babies. In this way, we take care of their health.

Natural Material

A clean environment is directly connected to their health, too.

How to keep it clean?

We don’t have to clean with durable, biodegradable and recyclable wooden toys. Nature will take care of it itself.


Additionally, wooden toys are often more durable than plastic toys, which can break easily and end up in landfills. Wooden toys can be passed down from generation to generation, reducing the need for new toys to be produced.

Wood is a sturdier and stronger material than plastic, which means that wooden toys are less likely to break or wear out over time.

Being resistant to wear and tear, which means they can withstand rough play and regular use without showing signs of damage or deterioration, make them long-lasting and therefore good for our environment.

Old Wooden Blocks

If they do become damaged or worn over time, they can most often be repaired. This means that they can be passed down from one child to another and enjoyed for many years.

A classic and timeless design of wooden toys appeals to children and adults, meaning they are less likely to go out of style or become outdated. From my experience, I can say that they are very fashionable.

This makes them a more sustainable and eco-friendly option, as they can be used and enjoyed for many years.

Biodegradable Material

When wooden toys eventually reach the end of their life, they can decompose naturally and be absorbed back into the ecosystem without harming the environment. This means that wooden toys won’t contribute to the growing problem of plastic waste that is polluting our planet.

Restoring Old Wooden Toys

In addition to being biodegradable, wooden toys can also be recycled. While not all recycling programs accept wood, there are many ways that wood can be repurposed or recycled, such as using it as fuel, mulch, or even creating new wood products. This reduces waste and helps to conserve resources.


However, it’s important to note that not all wooden toys are created equal. Some wooden toys may be made from wood that is not sustainably sourced, and the production and transportation of the toys can still have an environmental impact.

Sustainably Managed Forests

Additionally, some wooden toys may be coated with harmful chemicals or paints that can be harmful to the environment and to children’s health.

Look for the labels that say the toys are made from sustainably harvested wood and produced using eco-friendly manufacturing practices.

Consider buying toys from companies that have a commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. Even better, small manufacturers and handmade toys are a perfect solution for children’s safety and environmental protection. You can read more about it here.

The product must be clearly marked that it is made from natural, non-toxic materials and finishes that are safe for children to play with. Avoid toys that contain harmful chemicals like lead, phthalates, or BPA.


In conclusion, wooden toys are a better choice for the environment than other toys made from artificial materials for several reasons.

First, wooden toys are made from a renewable resource that can be harvested sustainably, which helps to preserve the ecosystem and ensure the long-term health of the forest.

Second, wooden toys are biodegradable and can decompose naturally without harming the environment, whereas plastic toys can take hundreds of years to break down and contribute to pollution and waste.

Third, wooden toys are often more durable than plastic toys, which means they last longer and don’t need to be replaced as often, reducing waste and conserving resources.

Finally, wooden toys are often made with natural, non-toxic materials and finishes, which makes them a safer option for children to play with and reduces the risk of exposure to harmful chemicals.

By choosing wooden toys, we can promote sustainability, reduce waste, and create a safer and healthier environment for ourselves and future generations.

Also note that while wooden toys can be better for the environment compared to many other types of toys, it’s important to consider factors such as the sourcing of the wood and the production process to ensure that the toys are truly environmentally friendly and children safe.

Nothing is expensive when you invest in your children’s safe and healthy future. To find out more, click here.

Child: Mum, where do wooden blocks grow?

Mum:Where Do Wooden Toys Grow?

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