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How to Play with Your Children? – Tips and Tricks


Like everything in life, the play doesn’t have a manual from which you can learn how to do it. There are no written rules, no ready-made games. Parents are expected to be innovative and creative to play with their kids.

New parents are so often confused about what to play with their child who is very small and “doesn’t know” anything. They think that playing is impossible at such young age.

It is not so difficult you just need to relax and enjoy your child. The rest will come naturally.

My Wooden Blocks - Baby


Nature driven play

Nothing is better than nature. I have already written about the importance of natural toys and everything said in this blog can be applied here.

The title may seem confusing because you are an adult, doing a reasonable job and living a city life, far from nature and natural. And you might be asking yourself what adults have to do with nature, they have “overgrown” it.

My Wooden Blocks - City Life

Never forget that you are a natural being and that mother nature has never left you. Mother nature lives inside each of us, suppressed by the grown-up stuff and our task here is only to let our natural part come out and be our leader.

Observe your children, think naturally, see what they want and what they need and give it to them. Let them lead you through the long-forgotten process of naturalization. Both you and your child will benefit from it.

Try simple games with the youngest ones. Show them a toy then hide it. If they are interested in the activity, repeat it. Repeating means learning. And if you are wondering what they can learn from it, they learn a lot for their age. First of all, they learn that you are their friend because you make them feel comfortable. Establishing a friendly connection is important as you are now a recognizable, familiar, friendly person.

My Wooden Blocks - Parent-Baby Relationship

Through such small hiding games, you also arouse their interest in objects. They want to find out more about the object you are hiding. They try to reach it, move their hands, legs, head and whole body in excitement and wish to reach it and touch it.

Still not sure? Then try copying others

Experience is the most resourceful means you can use in moments of despair. If you have already had a similar experience, not necessarily with your child, you can use it very well. If not, be clever and copy your friends’ work. For lack of an exemplary parent, you can search for ideas online. We are all in the same boat so parents unselfishly share their experiences even online and you are free to copy them.

Cleverly enough, parents can get their own ideas by observing or reading about other models and thus apply their own creations in their games.

My Wooden Blocks - Clever Parents

Still, even if you use the experience of others, adapt it or get inspired and make a unique game for your kids, make sure that they enjoy it. If the game doesn’t suit them, makes them sad, annoyed or not interested then stop it and think of another one.

You have already established a friendly relationship that has to be preserved. They trust you, so be careful not to disappoint them. No matter how young your children are, and even if they don’t know how to tell you, they can express their emotions very evidently. Look out for them and respect them.

Modify previous experiences

There are a lot of adaptable experiences you have had but never consciously memorized. Many things in our lives pass unnoticed and we don’t even remember we have had something similar. Believe me, they come up right when we need them. You would be surprised to know what we have in our brain storage system.

However, when it comes to parenthood, from my experience, I can say that parents are the most creative and inventive beings on Earth. When a child starts crying, a parent will do anything to soothe them.

My Wooden Blocks - Creative Dad
In addition, you can also modify an activity from a cartoon. When we were young we loved Tom and Jerry. For sure, you can use the dolls, not necessarily of a mouse and a cat, but also of a cat and a dog or similar animals, or photos of Tom and Jerry and make a short story for your kids. For little older ones, after they have heard your story, you can ask them to make up their own.

Buy Toys

This trick will work for every child. They just love new toys and are always happy to get one.

Anyway, being a parent who doesn’t support buying tons of toys, unlike my husband who gives a new toy every day after kindergarten, I will reveal my trick. My husband buys new toys and I hide the old ones. So dad’s dream to be their favourite parent is ruined!

Anyway, I hide the old toys for some time and give them when I am sure they forgot about them. They get equally happy as when they get a new toy from their dad. This trick works well, you just have to be patient.

My Wooden Blocks - Super Mum
Whatever method you use, buying new or hiding old ones, make sure, you play with them. Invent your own plays or look for inspiration online. Or simply ask your kids to invent a game. Make as much use as you can of the toys you paid for. Make it a good investment in your kids’ skills and knowledge.

I am not that stingy, but I still consider that toys should be shared, inherited or borrowed. Kids grow out of them soon, so spending so much money on them is not so wise. Meanwhile, if you have someone who will have them after your child has grown, then why not. If you buy new ones, make sure they are durable, safe and natural as I suggested in my previous blogs.

In Short

There is no need to worry, your inner child will be awakened the moment you become a parent and your natural part will guide you through the process of parenting.

In case of uncertainty, copying or even the help of a friend is allowed. Unlike at school, you won’t be punished but rewarded. However, remember this as a valuable experience and use it or adapt it next time or share it for others to use or modify it for their needs.

My Wooden Blocks - Creative Children
It is proven that you can always make them happy with either a new toy or the old one, hidden and waiting for its moment. In case you decide to buy new, you can go through my site and see suggestions for natural, safe and durable toys for your children.

From all that has been said, I can suggest that whatever you use, closely observe your child and see if they are satisfied with the game you are playing. No two children are the same, even if they are siblings they never enjoy the same activities.

Sometimes I really wonder where all my innovation and creativity come from. At least we were kids once, too. That’s why I believe in you and your inner child.

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