My Wooden Blocks – Eco Wooden Toys Products Wobbly Tower Wooden Stacking Game – Review

Wobbly Tower Wooden Stacking Game – Review

Wooden Tower

In the times of high pollution, each of us should take care of the things we use. Let’s start with the youngest! Let’s give them the best we can without affecting nature. Take care when you choose their toys. Make sure they are safe, durable, eco-friendly, biodegradable and that they come from sustainable woods. The wood has to be taken well care of because it serves many purposes including oxygen production.


Wobbly Tower Wooden Stacking Game

Wobbly Tower Stacking Game

This fantastic stacking game will enchant children of 2-4 years of age. They will be delighted with all the magic creations they will be able to construct with their small but skilful hands.

Totally unaware of the processes inside their mind and body while playing with this incredible set, they will be engaged for hours in their new business opportunity as civil constructors.

As for the processes, there will be a lot happening in their body and mind. Gross and fine motor skills will come up as primary body skills. Evidently, they have pretty much developed gross motor skills by this age. As for fine motor skills they are perfected through such practice.

There are three levels of difficulty provided on the templates included with the toy depending on the age and capabilities of a child. At first, children can build and test their observation and conclusion skills by following the templates. Later on, they can start making their own projects and build many things with these blocks.

Cognitive development is crucial in this game. Problem-solving skills, for instance “which block will not make the tower fall”, are crucial here. Children will experiment on how to build a tower that will not fall or maybe which block or what force will make it collapse. Learning through the experiment is long-term knowledge, something that persists in the mind of a learner.

Children will unconsciously learn the laws of physics. The laws of physics are not obvious and theory isn’t learnt by heart. They are rather learnt as a part of an experiment which will make further education easier to understand.

The balance of this wooden tower is challenged by the wobbly disk. Smaller children can start building without this part at first, and later on when with the growth of their abilities, you can add the wobbly disk and make this game more challenging and interesting.

The enticing toy is made of beech wood and you can read more about its properties here. It is made in Germany and ready to ship.

Wobbly Tower Wooden Stacking Game consists of 11 wooden pieces – precisely 1 wobbly disc and 10 wooden blocks, and 9 double-sided template cards.

The cleaning process for all wooden products is very simple, especially because beech wood has antibacterial properties. You just wipe the blocks with a damp cloth. You can use either clean water or you can add a little vinegar to it. Never soak wooden objects in the water, use disinfectants or put them in the dishwasher.

Skills that are utilized in this play:

  • gross and fine motor skills – walking, crouching, bending, straightening up, hand-eye coordination, precision, balance, pincer grip;
  • cognitive skills – observing, analyzing, problem-solving, deduction, contemplation, experimenting;
  • communication and language – asking for help, showing off;
  • social – if played with a friend or friends – teamwork, cooperation and
  • emotional: happiness, joy, pride, and even anger.

Haba is committed to the safety and sustainability of the environment along with the care for children. They care about the world the children live in and the world we are leaving for their future.

Wobbly Tower Stacking Game





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