My Wooden Blocks – Eco Wooden Toys Uncategorized Soothing Toys or Parental Involvement, Which One is Better for Your Child?

Soothing Toys or Parental Involvement, Which One is Better for Your Child?

My Wooden Blocks - Family Photo


A definition of a toy as a means of manipulation is harsh but unfortunately true. Such nice creations for our pure, little souls come with a parents’ spiteful plan – to get away from home, build a career, or make ends meet – whatever it is, it’s so sad.

Toys were invented to strengthen family ties, and to show affection, however, they are paradoxically used as substitutes for family members, as a bribe to break free of responsibility.

The child is given a toy and pushed away to play on their own which leads to solitude. It seems that the social pressure is practised even upon the youngest ones after having been successfully implemented in the lives of the adults. However, we should not allow it! The purpose of life is not to spend it alone.

My Wooden Blocks -  Playmates Needed


It’s not just about the Toys

I agree that you have to work hard, then come home totally exhausted and need time to rest. That goes without saying! You are the pillar of your family that has to keep everything and everyone in place.

Thus, you bring a toy to buy yourself time to relax. Eventually, you give a toy, a kiss or a hug and push your young one that yearns for parental love away to play on their own thinking that your kid is happy with the new toy.

The truth is that the child is happy with the new toy but they usually don’t know how to tell you that they need a friend to play with. What happens next is that the child gets preoccupied with the toy in solitude and you don’t mind as long as they let you relax.

My Wooden Blocks - An educational Toy

Cleverly, you don’t buy any toy, this time you have chosen an educational toy that can help your child develop many skills and become smarter. That’s a brilliant idea moreover if the toy is a wooden, Eco toy! You are a perfect parent! Now you are satisfied, thinking this is it, this time you got it right. But is it really so?


Involvement Required!

Nonetheless, your job doesn’t end here! We can honestly say that it has just started!

A man is not a solitary being nor should a child be! A playmate is a must for a new toy. Children have to learn social skills like teamwork, tolerance, cooperation and communication. It cannot be learnt from the book, it is practised through play with friends.

My Wooden Blocks - Parental Involvement

Therefore, if you want a socially capable child, get your strength and play with your kid or provide them with playmates, but not as substitutes for you. You should grab every occasion to play with your child rather than avoid it.

Toys do not do magic despite being educational and creative. However, toys can help children develop cognitive, motor and mental skills but they cannot teach them social skills if they are engaged in a single play. Soon, solitude takes over and even with many toys, children become alone and sad, selfish, dissatisfied and in the end, sadly, greedy.


Don’t Run Away from your Responsibility

The moment you made the decision to have a child has changed your life concept. You have to make sure you will not only be your child’s supporter, or roughly said a sponsor, but also be their parent, friend, playmate – everything the child needs at any moment. Don’t hope to find your child a substitute for you. You are not a single one anymore, now you are the base, the mainstay of your family.

My Wooden Blocks - Family Photo

Somehow it seems that today’s parents find it easier to work hard to support their family than to spend time at home bringing up children. Children are wonderful beings that are able to be shaped into fantastic beings if you give them a good example. Consequently, if you want your children happy and responsible, give them happiness and show them responsibility by always being there for them.

Children are smart, they see more than we do. They can surprise you with some conclusions you have never been able to notice. So pay attention to what you do as they will imitate you. Of course, you are their parent so give them a good example to copy!


Wake up your Inner Child!

Basically, it is not that difficult to be your child’s playmate no matter how tough this task looks to you. Believe me, playing with your child will relax you more than anything.

Children’s play is a door to a new, imaginary world where you forget about everything. You are a new character with new, to your brain, relaxing tasks. As soon as you open the door, the adventure begins. Don’t worry, your child will lead you through this world and trust me, there are times when you wish you got lost and never came back.

Finally, you will both benefit from such a play. Your child’s development is of essential importance for their future. In addition, it is the benefit to your mental state, recuperation from all the troubles you face during the working day and total relaxation.

My Wooden Blocks - Enjoying the Play


Soothing Toys or Parenting?

Honestly, I have to say that children didn’t force us to bring them into this world. It was primarily and solely our wish. When a wish comes true, one should be happy and satisfied and not run away or find substitutes, especially not toy substitutes.

Toys should have their primary purpose, which they were unfairly deprived of, back. Toys are means to keep the family together, strengthen and deepen the relationship between its members, and show affection and devotion.

Play with your children while you still can. They grow up fast and they leave home. You won’t have this time back.

Finally, you are the model that should be copied.

Do not expect magic, do magic!

My Wooden Blocks - A Family Photo
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