The brain and its development seem to be a great mystery of human nature. Scientists believe that we don’t use enough of our brains but still, humankind has achieved so much on this planet. However, we will leave science to the scientists. Concerning us, we are doing our best to make our children as clever as possible.
We know from our own and our ancestors’ experiences that play is the easiest way for kids to learn. It is the experience that is responsible for strong brain architecture.
Experiences leave traits through touch, talk, sight and sound. That is what is encoded in their small brains and creates the structure that will define their mental establishment. In simple language, we say that parents instill things into them. That is correct because parents are the role models that children should look up to.
Puzzles of any kind are mind triggers. They make children think and solve the problem presented to them. They are charming and preoccupying. Children are unable to leave them until they have found the solution.
Concerning puzzles, you need to take care of the age-appropriate sets. They are usually written in a visible place on the package, but they might not always be correct. My strong suggestion is to check it. If you buy online, always look for the information about the dimensions and in a store, you may always ask to open the toy and make sure it is OK for your child.
Start with the easiest ones. If your child is younger than three, it is better to get a floor puzzle. Ordinary puzzles, puzzles with numbers, letters or even themed puzzles are suitable for this age.
At about the age of 3, four-piece jigsaw puzzles of big dimensions are recommended. Also, shape puzzles where children match the shapes with the shapes on the base are very suitable for this age.
The moment you see it is boring to your child, it is time to get a larger one. And there are plenty! You will definitely know which one to choose to accord to your child’s interests.
Open-Ended Wooden Puzzles
Open-ended puzzles are appropriate for all ages if their dimensions are appropriate. Always look for that important information and even when you are sure that it is suitable for your child, supervise them until you are completely sure they are safe with them.
Such games are good for all ages because as their name suggests there is no correct or incorrect solution. Whatever they come up with is the expression of their imagination and creativity. There are no fixed rules as well so children are able to invent their own rules, inspect if they work for their needs and accordingly adapt them.
Children open up their minds to such challenges. Their brainpower is triggered and their imagination is tickled. The first time they meet such challenges they might be confused, but that doesn’t mean that the parents should interfere. No! Leave them, they will manage it very soon all by themselves. And that is exactly what we want – to create independent individuals with strong brainpower.
Open-ended puzzles and games empower brain structure by connecting brain parts with strong links. Motor development, communication, social and emotional and cognitive development have to work together to form the personality that is ready for the adult world.
These toys enable children to practise planning, explaining, discussing, asking and answering questions. There are so many possibilities not only for their imagination and creativity but also for all other aspects of child development.
You can find many such toys here on my site, but you can read my review of one of my favourites here.
3D Wooden Puzzles
Puzzles again but this time 3D puzzles are for older children over 5 who like challenges. They are enticing but most of them are not open-ended. Fixed solutions are demanding and not suitable for every child.
I know we all would want our children to be geniuses and use much more of their brains, but we cannot force it. If a child is not ready and not interested in it, find something else that they like and want to do.

Maybe they are not mentally old enough for such challenges at this moment, but they will be in a month or a year. Instead of forcing them, it is better to find other stimulating solutions and deal with their field of interest.
In comparison to open-ended games, these kinds of demanding puzzles teach them self-evaluation abilities. They will be able to tell if they are right or what they have done wrong in order to come to a solution.
Home Activities
Parents tend to buy toys, a lot of toys because they didn’t have enough of them when they were kids. I know a lot of those who do so. One of our close friends bought his newborn son a remote control car. It turned out that he played with it hoping that the baby is entertained.
As I have written earlier, you don’t need to spend a fortune on toys and hope they do their magic. Instead, engage your child with ordinary home chores. Speak with them and play with them. You can read more about chores on my earlier blog.
My daughter played a lot with dad’s gedore tool set so we decided to buy a gedore tool toy set. She never wanted to play with it. It was a total waste of money! Buying the toy we already had at home was not so wise. Bad economy!
So play with your child with whatever you have at home – crockery, cutlery, pencils, tools, bed sheets and many other things. They are happy and entertained as long as they have you included. You are their role model, so model them with a good example. It is you who has to unleash your imagination in order to show them that it is the correct way to experience the world.
Outside, it is great fun especially in autumn when you can use colourful leaves fallen from trees, pine cones, branches and so many natural elements to make creations and inventions. This is a kind of open-ended game that can serve as a base for a uniquely made-up story. Your stories should not be perfect, but they serve as an encouragement for children to open up their minds and create their own ones.
Honestly speaking, there is no need to buy toys when you can make your own ones at home or outside. So the first step of children’s brain development is unleashing your inner child and your imagination. Show them how to do it, how to use and create things. They need an example, a role model and the best role model is a parent.
Of course, they need toys and they deserve them, so it is nice to surprise them from time to time with some quality toy that will help develop their brains and skills. I tend to write reviews of the best ones, at least the ones I would always choose for my child, so you can skim through my site and see if anything catches your eye.
Take care of the dimensions and age-appropriate toys. You can read which toys are worth money in my earlier blog. There is no need to shower them with so many toys because they will be confused. They will not use many of them and they will not learn to respect the toys they have.
Anyway, the most important thing is that you are there with your child. Speak with them, instruct them, tell them stories, invent your own stories and be their playmate. I know for sure that they love stories from when we were young. Of course, they can be adapted for entertaining purposes.
Some are born strong and others are made strong.